
  • Spring Boot 2.0.1 starters available now

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    I’m pleased to announce that we have now released new versions of the spt-development-* projects related to correlation IDs, logging and auditing, which aligns them with the recently released Spring Boot 2.5.5. As always, the source is available on GitHub and the artifacts are also available in Maven Central for easy inclusion in your own Java projects.

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  • Spring Boot 2.0.0 starters available now

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    I’m pleased to announce that we have now released new and up to date versions of all of the spt-development-* projects related to correlation IDs, logging and auditing. The main change to all of the projects is to support JDK8+ and Spring Boot 2.5.4. We will endeavor to release new versions of the libraries, soon after each new release of Spring Boot, moving forward. As always, the source is available on GitHub where there are more detailed release notes and the artifacts are also available in Maven Central for easy inclusion in your own Java projects.

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  • Correlation ID (Part 2)

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    This post continues on from the first blog in the series and describes how to integrate spt-development-cid into a Spring Boot web project with spt-development-cid-web-spring-boot and how this can be used in conjunction with spt-development-logging-spring to quickly add useful logging to all layers of your web application.

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  • Correlation ID

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    This is the first in a series of blog posts that go into detail about a number of open source projects we have released, starting with spt-development-cid. spt-development-cid is a very simple library that utilises ThreadLocal for tracking a correlation ID similar to that described by Sam Newman, in Chapter 8 of his excellent book Building Microservices. If you have ever tried to support a system consisting of multiple services that doesn’t use correlation IDs, then you will understand their importance! Sam’s book describes the concept better than I would, so I urge you to read that if you require a deeper understanding.

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